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Donatella Izzo - Silent Time (2021).jpg

NO portrait



In a reality forcedly based on appearances and the concept of collective perfection, Donatella Izzo's works escape those linguistic conventions and traditional interpretative mechanisms that can revolve around the idea of the portrait and the very perception of the concept of identity.


The artist makes us participants in a personal perception of identity – individual and collective – that is now fragmented and deprived of the sense of belonging to the most transcendental side. Izzo's portraits do not correspond to a copy from life, on the contrary they search for what is hidden behind the appearance of the subject, expressing universal feelings almost always linked to the perennial and never resolved conflict between being and appearance, between soul and body, between the surface and the very essence of being.

Her shots are an exemplary transposition of the torment and conflict that characterize the human state.


Far from reassuring, the subjects accompany us by reflex in a dimension of estrangement in which the very idea of imperfection loses its negative value to take on higher values and imbued with spiritual meanings. The focus of the project is shifted to new codes of reading that crumble the classic concept of the portrait intended as a “copy” in favor of an “anti-portrait”, that is, an introspective analysis of the depicted subject, almost always female, a universe from which Izzo draws and to which she pays particular attention. Women suspended in a sacred instant, almost uninterpretable, but still alive because aesthetically remodeled.

"Author of photographs of rare intensity, she is a restless artist, whose work is constantly crossed by an intimate tension that, starting from eminently autobiographical elements, invests the viewer with incredible force."

© Donatella Izzo - All rights reserved. 

P.IVA: 10034360965

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